
A Year -Updated-

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StarStalker333's avatar

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A year.

A whole year since that day.

A whole year since Al Mualim had betrayed them.

A whole year had gone past and no one had spoken of it before today.

The person who'd broken the long term silence of this heinous betrayal was a young newly attained novice, one of the youngest they had got in the last month. The young child was curious by nature of cause as all small children are, and he'd heard whispers from the guards about a man who had once brought the strongest assassin they had down to tears and nightmares, he wanted really bad to know who this person was.

So he asked an older assassin, who with a sneer on his face, directed him to a lone assassin standing at the gate of the gardens not going in just standing there and watching them carefully, he recognised him. He'd seen him on several occasions just standing there, once he'd seen him (while for filling a dare he'd been given by the older Apprentice Assassins) crying on a certain spot, where, when he'd arrived at the fortress he'd seen a still being cleaned out barely visible red stain on the stone.

He sighed and walked over to the young Master Assassin and tugged at his sleeve, "Master Altair… Who was our previous Master...?"


Altair's world stopped the minute he saw Adul point the young novice towards him, he knew what Adul's sneer was about, shutting his eyes tightly he turned away and pretended not to care about the small tugs at his sleeve, but in the end he gave up and turned to face the much younger unscarred boy, he's cold eyes ran over him quickly and he sighed letting the novice know he had his attention.

"Master Altair... ", He asked, Altair felt a cold shiver run down his spin, "Who was our previous Master?"

Everyone in the courtyard stopped, everything went silent, nothing moved.

Altair himself was frozen as he thought about the question, another shiver ran through his body and he started to walk away, but heard the taunting voices of his Master yelling at him telling him that he was a failure a disgrace to everyone in the fortress, he held his stomach as he felt sick and took another step away from the novice, he shut he eyes tightly but the haunting images of his Masters blood on his hands flashed before him and he gagged leaning forward as he felt hot liquid speared its way up his throat.

He opened a beady eye and his hand reached for his sword, standing up to his full height he glared down at the now trembling younger and rawred swinging his sword at him, he felt his blood rush through his body his memories of their Master flashing before his eyes , his voice... the touch of his skin… everything.

Screaming loudly he stabbed the ground where seconds before there hand been a small child, who was now being held safely from the raging assassin by another older one, while three more grabbed hold of him and pushed him down onto the ground, one punched him sharply in the face and he felt his world start to darken as his head was flooded with nothingness.


The novice sat in the arms of his savoir shaking form head to toe, wonder what had just happened to his Master, he felt some prickle at his eyes and he wiped them quickly feeling ashamed to cry when he was among other assassins, but the one holding him nudged him with his face seeing as he only had one arm, "It is alright to cry… for someone as young as you.. that must've been very frightening" he said in a gentle voice, the novice nodding slowly as tears of fear and relief ran down his face, the assassin jumped down and handed him over to one of the other assassins and then slowly walked towards the dorm rooms where from a room on the highest point, someone was screaming their lungs out.

Masyaf Assassin Fortress was silent as they heard a name that hadn't been spoken in a year, coming from their saviour's mouth, from the window farthest away from everything, "Why!? Why did you leave Al Mualim!?" rocketed from the building making everyone shiver as the one armed assassin walked towards the dorm areas, another assassin called Aden stopped him before eh entered the large halls, "Be careful Malik… Altair… he's not the same anymore…" his voice was coated in concern and his eyes matched, Malik looked at him and felt his heart droop; they'd known this would happen… yet... they couldn't stop it…

Walking through the almost deserted halls Malik thought about how he was going to help the younger assassin, feeling his heart clench as the screaming sobs of his friend reached his ears he quickened his pace almost running when he finally reached the door, lifting his hand to knock he decided against it and walked right in, and saw Altair, stripped of his weapons and only wearing a light tunic and his pants and boots, curled up holding his stomach as he screamed his throat raw.

Running over to him Malik dropped the bucket he'd brought with him and embraced Altair who in return sobbing into his chest hugged him back, unsure on how long had passed Malik finally let go and looked at the grey eyed assassin, his eyes were red and swollen his face sweaty with long streaks down his face, Malik's eyes softened at this site and looked around the room for a wash basin and a cloth, finding it he took the cloth and drenched it in water and gently washed Altair's face, watching him closely for signs of dislike.

But he saw nothing, nothing to indicate that he was uncomfortable, or wanted to be alone, all he saw was the surprised eyes of the young novice that'd entered their gates so many years ago, he held his breath as Altair leant forward and he understood what he was feeling, using  his foot Malik managed to maneuver the bucket closer to the bed as Altair gagged violently, Malik shuffled slightly away so that the younger had room, a few seconds of waiting passed before Altair lurched forward again and threw up violently into the bucket, he gasped for breath and leaned forward again his hair falling into his face tears starting to fall from his eyes again.

Malik rubbed the back of his friend and did his best to keep the hair out of his eyes, Altair's gasping and retching echoed around the halls of the stronghold and Malik himself felt it was necessary to shut the door, but he didn't move. He waited until Altair was finished; stroking his back and giving him soothing words making him know it wouldn't last forever even though it felt like it, personally he almost wanted Altair to just fall asleep after this, but he knew it wouldn't happen, so he slowly stroked the younger's back as he lay on his side, whimpering ever so slightly every time he took a breath, but soon Malik felt his breath regulate and he fell asleep much to his surprise.

Standing up slowly the older assassin took Altair's clothes and weapons and anything else the was sharp, picking up the bucket and left the room nodding at the two guards at the end of the hall, not many people had respect for Altair before the Betrayal but now… the list was as long as time itself. He let out a heavy sigh and dropped everything out side the laundry door and walked into the grand hall where the older assassins (not many left) were waiting anxiously for news on their brother.

"Is he alright Malik?" one asked the minute he walked into the door, and suddenly after that one question came more of the same, only one question made everyone stop, "Will he recover from the trauma?" everyone turned to the oldest assassin in the room, his name was Ankaa and he'd known Altair since he came to the world, having been friends with his parents. His eyes where hard from years of murder and deceit, but now... they slowly softened as the convocation dwelled upon his former student.

Malik wanted nothing more than to punch Al Mualim's dead body for doing this to his friend but the body had been put up on a stake for the city of Masyaf to see what happened to traitors, but only Altair had looked at the body about a week after their old master had been slain, the village had woken up to see that the body had been taken down and buried in the square, the body was dug up and finally thrown into the river, with the remains of the brotherhood watching, Malik had been holding Altair back as he'd been trying to stop them.

Everyone knew how attached and dependent Altair had been of their Master, he'd taken him in when his family died and watched over him much like a father would, he'd made sure he was trained to his proper expertise and beyond, he pushed his abilities even past what they'd thought he was capable of doing, Al Mualim MADE Altair; which is why this betrayal was greater to Altair than anyone else here.

Shacking his head Malik walked up to the long table at the top and plonked himself down in the middle seat slumping down and stretching out his legs, feeling and looking very relaxed and cool, he continued "Altair… is… not himself… I fear he may never be again and-"the doors slammed open and two assassins from the younger generation ran through, "Master Malik! Altair! He's gone! We can't find him!" one said his voice panicky and squeaky, within seconds Malik's eyes went to the younger's left side, but he saw no sword, then right, still no sword. Since the last Attack on Masyaf all Assassins no matter what age or training where required to carry a weapon of sort, "He stole you sword as well I see", he said calmly as he saw the already pretty parchment like face go even whiter, "Ah! Uhm... you see the only reason we know he's missing is beca-"

"Because you were going to laugh at him in a moment of weakness, since he has outclassed you since you arrived here AT the same time, but he was much, MUCH younger than you Nikolai, and even though you were older, trained by Templers, Assassins and other GREAT fighters you were still outclassed by a lowly, peasant child from a village no one has heard of" Ankaa said sharply, and everyone turned to look at the oldest Assassin, his soft eyes now cold like ice. A shiver ran through the room as he stood up and limped towards the assassin whose scowl was clear.

"You've hated Altair since the day he entered these gates! He's exceeded you in everyway possible! What were you planning on doing to him in this fragile state!?" the Elder rawred at the now cowering Assassin, "It was just a prank! Something to frighten him with! We weren't actually going to do it!" he whimpered as Ankaa's eye bared down upon his neck, Malik let out a long snarl and everyone turned to him, he was slumped in his chair with his leg propped up on his knee, his head leaning on his fist. A death look was plastered on his face and all the assassins drew to one side, letting the current leader eye the offending assassins. "You were planning on sodomising him…" he said darkly, a veil was drawn over the room as a chill ran through them all as the word drenched them in cold sweat.

The assassin with Nikolai whimpered and fell to the ground, unable to stand the silence of death any longer, "Yes! Yes, we were planning on it! But he bulldozed us over before we could I promise!" he wailed as he put his hands over his head fearing what was to happen next. Nikolai snarled and was about to punch the younger assassin and a knife flew out of no were and trapped his sleeve to the door, Malik himself looked pissed beyond belief and everyone took an extra step back as eh stood up and quickly marched towards the now cowering assassins, with one swift move two knives where imbedded in their foreheads and soon the room was empty of the one armed assassin.

He'd gone to find Altair.


Altair sat by the door, his face pasted in stone as he watched the fireflies slowly buzz around the empty gardens, he felt his heart ach as he slowly ventured into the garden, walking down slowly looking at the stain that was never going to leave, the blood had been there too long sunk into the rock to stay and haunt his dreams and memories in the many hours of the day. He bit his lip and walked down to the very last garden and sat by the edge sitting on the railing, letting the gentle wind blow through his hair, sending a chill through his body as it carried with it the sweet sent his master had often bore around him. Lilies…

He looked up and saw Malik standing a few feet away, his eyes shinning in the light the moon cascaded down upon them, Altair turned away as his own eyes welled up with tears, and he looked down into the deep canyon below with the small river running by, having never learnt to swim he'd thought several times to just jump in… join his master. Looking up into the started sky, he yet again wondered why his Master had betrayed them, Betrayed HIM so badly.

He wished nothing had changed…

Malik stood close to Altair ready to stop him if he should come to the thought of suicide; right now he wanted nothing more than to drag him back to his room, keep him there. But he knew that would never happen as long as Altair could walk, he would always find a way to get free no matter what was at stake freedom came before everything else for him. Sighing heavily Malik gently touched Altair's shoulder and he turned around and put his feet on the ground facing the one armed assassin.

Malik felt like slapping himself as he saw the drowning pool of emotions run across the younger's face, no one could help Altair, no one could save him from the pain he was going through yet here he was trying to understand the feeling of betrayal, the feeling of getting his heart and mind torn the pieces as one man takes from you everything you've ever had… not even Kadar's death could've had the same effect on him.

He heard some faint whispers and he slowly turned his head towards the upper levels of garden, within swift movement he was standing in front four guards looking uncomfortable, "The younger assassins are wondering what is going on, they wish to know what is wrong with Altair" one said, the others slowly slipping into the background. Malik eyed them briefly before addressing the speaker"Tell them the truth, tell them not to shed a tear, or think about the past, not to wonder who our previous Master was, tell them they are to think forward, think about those who shall grow and prosper in their wake, Tell them from now on no one shall morn the loss of Al Mualim; the traitor" He said finally after a few seconds of silence.

The men nodded and walked away slowly as Malik turned to Altair, who was standing close behind him, he'd wanted to know and now he did, but Malik could tell Altair now wished he'd never heard those harsh words, he turned away and jumped back to the last garden, Malik followed him and stopped as he did, Altair turned making Malik turn away slightly.

Tears were welling up in his eyes as he tried hard not to cry in front of the one armed assassin, but Altair felt he no longer could stop himself, he needed to cry, he needed to scream, beg, whine, whimper… he needed to stop the pain that was clinging tightly to his chest. But all he could do… was let out a weak sob.

Malik turned back to his friend when he heard the sob; he saw the drops of water hit the ground below them as more joined them, slowly falling into an unsynced motion, Malik wanted nothing more than to wrap his arm around the younger assassin, to stop the tears from falling onto the ground but he couldn't, all that he could do was stand and watch as Altai pored all his pain and grief out… all the pain he'd felt for a whole year, all the pain he'd kept for himself for so long

All his pain


Masyaf went silent as the Assassin who'd saved them all a year ago tore their hearts out with the haunting sounds of his pain, one of the village girls walked out of a small crowd and point to the sky, soon everyone was looking up at the eagles circling the sky above them, morning their named assassin's pain, the girl opened her mouth and soon a cores of people was saying it.

"A year has gone by, we call move on, all but one, Altair the son of none"

The assassin's cries echoed around the valley, the darkness creeping up on them all then a new sound joined in, The small girl pointed at the sky as a lone eagle flew from Masyaf, the lone one, the one who had managed on itself for so long, the son of none.

A year had gone by and no one had seen how much had really changed in Masyaf.
the updated version of my AC fic a year which was written for :iconvisionaryassassins:'s contest Anniversay, which was a few months aog XD, I just got the idea to update it today because of ~the-priestess :3 hope she enoys it
© 2010 - 2024 StarStalker333
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Spartan2016's avatar
Aw Altair I love you don't cry